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Linear Algebra Exercises

This is the documentation for my solutions to the Exercises of the course "Linear Algebra" at the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS).

Exercise 2: “Affine Transformationen”

In this exercise we will cover how to perform 2D-translation of geometric objects. For this exercise we will create some geometric objects in two dimensions and allow the user to transform them by specifying a transformation matrix. The central aspect of this exercise will be the use of 3D-transformation techniques in order to perform 2D-translations.

The basic problem

Using matrices for calculating transformations is very handy and thus is used whenever it comes to programming applications that focus on graphics (such as games, CAD-programs, etc.). This basically works well for all transformations “around the origin”. However, when it comes to translation, we wouldn’t be able to combine multiple transformation matrices with multiplication, i.e. linear transformation. We would need to add the translation parameters manually.

Using 3D-transformations for 2D-translation

We can use a little trick to perform 2D-translations with linear transformations. For this purpose, we imagine the transformation to take place on a surface in 3D space. We can use the shear transformation matrix to perform a translation in the surface. Thus, if we extend our 2D-Vector to a 3D-Vector that constantly lies on a surface with z-coordinate 1, we can use 3D-transformations to “simulate” a 2D-translation.

Adapting the Vector-Model

Since we’ll be using 2D and 3D Vectors, we introduce an abstract base class for vectors:

public abstract class AbstractVector extends Matrix {

    private double length = 0;

    public AbstractVector(int numDimensions, double ... coordinates) {
        super(1, numDimensions);
        for (int c = 0; c < coordinates.length; c++) {
            this.setValue(0, c, coordinates[c]);
    // ...

As you can see, the AbstractVector Model takes a number that indicates how many dimensions this vector should have and then accepts a random number of double arguments, defining the individual coordinates.

Then, we adapt our Vector2D-Model from the previous exercise such that it consists of three instead of only two coordinates:

public class Vector2D extends AbstractVector {
    // ...
    public Vector2D(double dx, double dy) {
        super(3, dx, dy, 1);
    // ...

So, our 2D-Vector is actually a 3D-Vector with a constant z-Coordinate of 1. The Vector2D constructor calls the AbstractVector constructor and tells it to create a vector with three dimensions, whereas the z-coordinate is set to a constant 1.

For Vector3D, of course, we need to enhance them with a fourth dimension, accordingly.

Adapting the Matrix-Model

Since we now need to be able to multiply matrices with each other, we have to enhance the Matrix-Model with a corresponding method:

public class Matrix {

    public Matrix multiply(Matrix otherMatrix, Matrix resultMatrix) {

        if (resultMatrix == null) {
            resultMatrix = new Matrix(this.getNumCols(), this.getNumRows());

        if (otherMatrix.getNumRows() == getNumCols()) {
            for (int c = 0; c < otherMatrix.getNumCols(); c++) {
                for (int r = 0; r < this.getNumRows(); r++) {

                    double multResult = 0;

                    for (int cM = 0; cM < cells.length; cM++) {
                        multResult += cells[cM][r] * otherMatrix.getValue(c, cM);

                    resultMatrix.setValue(c, r, multResult);

        return resultMatrix;
    // ...

This method can be passed a resultMatrix if the return type needs to be specific. If this argument is null, the method will create a new Matrix instance as result container. The method returns a Matrix instance (or any Subclass) and thus can also be used for chaning calls such as: matrix.multiply(matrix2).add(matrix3). …


To better deal with all the transformation stuff for our geometric objects, let’s introduce the AbstractGeometry class. Every object (LineSegment, Circle, etc.) will inherit from this class. Instead of declaring a specific number of Vector2D or Vector3D instances for every specific object (like we did in the first exercise), we instead provide a List that can hold a random amount of Vector-instances. This generic approach allows us to implement the transformation logic (multiplying transformation matrices with vectors) already in this AbstractGeometry class and can omit these details in the specific classes.

Furthermore, every geometric object holds a TransformationMatrix instance, that stores the object’s current transformation. So, whenever a transformation needs to be performed, the AbstractGeometry class only needs to know the transformation matrix and multiply it with all vertices in the List. It doesn’t need to know, what these vertices are used for by the specific object.

Introducing: The World

As we will be using 3D-Space in later exercises, let me introduce the concept of “the World” already: The World model holds information about the world all the geometric objects live in. It also knows how to project three-dimensional coordinates onto a surface such as our screen. So, the world is like a global container for our objects and it also can be transformed itself.

This gives us the advantage that we can scale or mirror the world using transformation matrices, too. So, in this example, if we create geometric objects with a width or height of 1, we wouldn’t be able to see it on the screen because 1 corresponds to 1 Pixel. Now, we can easly just scale the world by doing:

This assings our world a uniform scaling matrix with scaling factor 100. This matrix will be applied to every coordinate of every object living in that world, when their absolute coordinates are calculated. That way, if we set an object to have a width of 1, it will result in an actual width of 100 Pixel.

Let’s continue by thinking about how the coordinate system of a computer screen corresponds to our natural real-world system. While the latter maps the y-Coordinate “bottom-up”, in the computer, it is mapped “top-down”. To address this, we can simply apply a mirror transformation matrix to our world so that it mirrors on the XZ-plane (and actually inverts the Y-axis):

In order to combine these two world-transformations, we can simply do:
    (TransformationMatrix3D) TransformationMatrix3D.createMirrorXZMatrix().multiply(
                TransformationMatrix3D.createUniformScalingMatrix(100), TransformationMatrix3D.createIdentityMatrix()

This multiplies the mirror matrix with the scaling matrix and creates a combined transformation matrix for our world.

In order for our geometric objects to make use of the world’s global transformation, we need to assign them to the world when creating them:

// ...
Circle unitCircle = new Circle(0, 0, 1,;
// ...

When an object needs to be projected to the screen, it can get its individual screen coordinates by using the method of the AbstractGeometry class, from which it inherits:

public Vector2D getScreenVertex(int vertexIndex) {

As you can see, this method simply performs the object’s local transformations first (getTransformedVertex()) and then calls its assigned world to calculate the screen coordinates.

Allowing the user to edit the transformation matrix

For the current exercise we need the user to be able to edit a transformation matrix. The MatrixTableViewController class takes a TableView instance and a Matrix instance and combines them to an editable table. Changes in the matrix done by the user are directly applied to the actual Matrix instance.

Putting it all together

Just like for the first exercise, this exercise uses an own class Exercise2 that inherits from AbstractCanvasExercise. When loaded, it first initializes the additional GUI (matrix table and buttons) and then initializes the World instance and all the relevant geometric objects.

Whenever the user hits the “Transform” button, the current user transformation matrix will be applied to all objects, i.e. their local transformation matrices.

Whenever the objects are rendered to the canvas, they have “their” World calculate their absolute world coordinates and their screen coordinates for them.